Monday, August 21, 2017

Eclipse projections through mesh

Who walks with beauty has no need of fear;
The sun and moon and stars keep pace with him;
Invisible hands restore the ruined year,
And time itself grows beautifully dim.
One hill will keep the footprints of the moon
That came and went a hushed and secret hour;
One star at dusk will yeild the lasting boon;
Remembered beauty's white immortal flower.

Who takes of beauty, wine and daily bread
Will know no lack when bitter years are lean;
The brimming cup is by, the feast is spread;
The sun and moon and stars his eyes have seen
Are for his hunger and his thirst he slakes:
The wine of beauty and the bread he breaks.

David Morton


Anonymous said...

The little eclipses are so cool. And the flower is beautiful too! Mom

lejernegan said...

It was a heck of an experience. I enjoyed every minute :)

lejernegan said...

It was a heck of an experience. I enjoyed every minute :)