Monday, July 31, 2017


Newly remodeled Lower Falls

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas

Sunday, July 30, 2017


From the car

Bonus: birds

Magpie in flight

Baby turkeys

Bank swallow burrows

A murder

A large raptor-either red tail, golden eagle, young bald or osprey, but it was BIG

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Moon in the West

From the bedroom window

I don't find science

Science finds me. On my way to the Plaza from Division I paused at one of the viewing balconies over the river to drink some water and take a rest. As I watched the currents and eddies, I noticed this fine fellow dawdling along

So, I pulled out the camera and started to do what I do.

As I watched, the trout suddenly took a dive at a rock, which suddenly became a bright red crawdad

Who was not the easy mark our hero thought it was.

He eyed the thing, which showed no sign of becoming more eatable

And sauntered off.

Seriously, the convention center is so close I could hit it with a tennis ball. This is in the middle of downtown.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017


People's Park

From Cocoon forth a Butterfly
As Lady from her Door
Emerged-a Summer Afternoon-
Repairing Everywhere-

Emily Dickinson

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Edwidge Woldson Park


At Finch Arboretum

Science! Gopher snake

See that? I didn't. Not until I moved the branches.

I made an extremely girly sound of surprise and alarm. (I feel no shame.) I then moved around so I could see in the side of the shrub.

Since I had already got an involuntary look at the head I knew it wasn't a rattler, so I kept my distance and started taking pictures like mad.

This is a gopher snake. Around here they're called bull snakes.

They can climb trees. There's a fun fact I discovered empirically.

They can mimic the behaviour of a rattlesnake, but this one didn't. Of course, I didn't get very close, either. These pictures are cropped and expanded.

These guys eat frogs and small rodents. They are constrictors, which means they don't use venom to kill.

Gopher snakes can live as long as fifteen years, and they try to stay in the same territory.

They lay eggs twice a year.

He looked at me one last time

And then slithered away.

Monday, July 17, 2017


Manito Japanese Garden

Heaven the image of fulfilled desire,
And hell the shadow of a soul on fire,
Cast on a darkness into which ourselves
So late emerged from, shall so soon expire.


Very delicate

Hangman Valley

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Bonus: Mergansers

In People's Park

They snuck up on me

And then they scared me when they took off

I didn't even know what they were until I got home and looked at the pictures 

But once I had it was easy to see that they were common mergansers

A mother and a group of juveniles

Making a lot of noise

No. 1

The larch.